General Terms and Conditions of Sale
Quotation, payment, delivery and risk
- On request of the client, Agricon shall supply the client with a quotation stating the exact amount which would be payable for the purchase of the products stated in the quotation.
- Payment of 50% (FIFTY PERCENT) of the full amount payable stated in the quotation constitutes acceptance of the quotation and this Agreement.
- After receipt of the proof of payment of the amount of 50% (FIFTY PERCENT) of the quotation as stated above, Agricon will commence with production of the products.
- As production costs would have been incurred at this stage, the amount paid cannot be refunded for any reason whatsoever.
- As payment of the amount referred to in paragraph 2 and 3 above constitutes acceptance of the quotation and this Agreement, the client will from the moment of payment of such amount be held liable for payment of the full purchase price as stated in the quotation.
- Once the products have been completely manufactured and are ready for delivery to the client, Agricon will provide the client with a written notice of completion of the products, as well as an invoice stating the amount still owed to Agricon.
- The balance of the purchase price is payable within 15 (FIFTEEN) days after receipt by the client of the written notice of completion of the products stated in paragraph 6 above.
- Should the full purchase price not be paid within 15 (FIFTEEN) days after receipt by the client of the written notice of completion of the products stated in paragraph 7 above, the client will be held liable for storage fees as well as interest at a rate of 4% above prime rate of Standard Bank of South Africa.
- The client shall take delivery and possession of the products sold on date of payment of the full purchase price at the premises of Agricon.
- The risk of damage or destruction of the products shall pass to the client on the date the client takes possession and occupation of the products.
- Notwithstanding anything mentioned in this Agreement, the products sold shall remain the property of Agricon until payment of the full Purchase price.
- Please note that delivery, installation, electrical connections and training are not part of the agreement of sale and will not necessarily be quoted for in the quotation provided during the sale of the products.
- The quotation provided by Agricon is valid for 14 (FOURTEEN) days only. Should the quotation not be accepted within the 14 (FOURTEEN) day period stipulated above, it will thus be invalid and must a new quotation be requested.
- All prices stipulated in the quotation may change within the 14 (FOURTEEN) day period stipulated above. Agricon will inform the client of such changes as soon as reasonably possible. Agricon however encourages the client to confirm the prices with Agricon before making any payments.
Product information
- The client’s plant layout – Please refer to the quotation document in which Agricon suggested a potential layout of equipment needed in conjunction with your pelleting machine. As every client’s needs differ, this is a suggested layout which may need further refining.
- Purpose for which the Equipment will be used must be specified
- Possible circumstances which could affect the pellet capacity & pellet quality:
- Too much Molasses in the mixture
- Poor quality feeds, especially feed contaminated with grass
- Material which is not milled to the right fineness according to pelleting norms
- Materials that are too dry or too wet
- Materials that are too sticky and won’t allow easy feeding into the Die Ring by the Rollers
- Materials without natural adhesive- and cohesive properties, especially biomass or organic materials and poor quality feeds
- Mixtures where the components are lumpy and not well mixed
- Poor operators of machines who does not ensure constant feeding into the machine
- Inexperienced operators who does not warm the machine up and/or increase the operating speed as required
- Loose fan belts and roller not set to the ultimate/correct tension
- Using materials not suitable for the specific Die Rings’ compaction ratio
- Clogged Die Rings which are were not cleaned properly before use, or poorly run in Die Rings
- *Please note that this is only a list of possibilities and that any change in the circumstances could change the product layout.
Pellet capacity & quality:
- Pelletizers’ compact materials with heat and pressure generated from the product mix by the Die Ring and Rollers. Agricon is therefore not responsible, and cannot guarantee that all product mixes can be pelletized effectively because it depends on various adhesive- and cohesive properties of the materials that the client need to adjust. The input feed determines the pellet quality, not the machine.
- The referred capacity of the Pellet Machine’s is based on a mixture of 70% Lucerne and 30% Maize at a moisture content of 14% and a particle size smaller than the final pellet diameter of the pellet. Tests are done with a Die Ring of 6mm x 40mm. Any other product has to be tested by the client to determine the final delivery capacity of the machine, and could change the client’s layout. The “referred” capacity for each size machine is an estimate and cannot be guaranteed as any product different from the test sample will influence the potential capacity. Tests found that the exact same machine with a 500kg ”referred capacity” has the ability to produce pellets ranging from 200-800kg per hour. Discuss this experience with your Agricon representative.
- Agricon’s installation/delivery responsibility does not include the development or adjustments of feed mixtures or product development to ensure successful pelleting. Agricon’s responsibility is to deliver a machine that can make a general pellet consisting of pure Lucerne (free of grass) and Maize.
- Molasses should not be seen as a pellet binder because it clogs the machine due to the stickiness (caramelizing) once it is warmed up by the pelleting action. Agricon therefore strongly advise against the excessive use of Molasses.
Pelleting of “new or other” product mixes (not tested before by agricon):
- The Pellet Mill’s capacity and effectiveness will vary depending on different product attributes, mixtures- and moisture contents, Die Ring specifications, Roller Sets and so forth. Every product must therefore be tested by the client for efficiency, capacity and quality of pellets. The final pellet quality depends on inherent binders in the input material where the cohesiveness- and adhesiveness of the material will determine pelletability.
- Experimental Pelleting of new products can be conducted by Agricon at a cost. A test report can be given with pelleting guidelines on how to be implemented. This is however not a guarantee that the product will pelletize under commercial conditions, but only a guideline. Once the result is obtained, the formula must be reproduced without any change.
- Some products have no binding characteristics and should be avoided or included on a very small scale to ensure quality pellets. These, to name but a few are: Poor quality field grass, shavings, bark, molasses, spongy plant materials, charred wood, etc.
- It remains the responsibility of the customer to apply the attained knowledge at own risk and to develop his own formulations to be pelleted. It is the client’s decision to use the produced pellets at own risk for specific applications. Agricon takes no responsibility for the content or application of the pellets and it remains the client’s decision as to what he includes in his pellets.
Purpose of equipment sold and the client’s layout
- After consultation with the client, a specific layout is designed for the client’s specific needs. A product is then designed to satisfy the specific needs of the client. The quotation is accordingly provided to the client, which will state the products designed for the client’s layout and the prices thereof.
- The client’s layout is therefore designed for specific circumstances as tested for and the products sold cannot be applied for other or general purposes. ANY changes to the client’s application of any product and the circumstances in which products of Agricon are required, may require modification to the client’s layout.
- By accepting the quotation, the client acknowledges that the layout specified and all other relevant information stated herein is correct and that the products listed in the quotation is sufficient for such layout. The risk that the products sold might not be sufficient for the purpose intended by the client for reasons not explicitly stated in the alternative product information document accordingly vests in the client and shall Agricon not accept return of any products for that reason.
- When it would be required to change the client’s layout, the products listed in the quotation may not be sufficient to satisfy the client’s needs.
- If the products were already delivered at the stage the change in the client’s layout was required, it will result in the expiry of the guarantee on the products sold.
- Should the client’s layout change after the products have been manufactured, the client may be held liable for the full amount stated in the quotation and a new agreement must be entered into regarding the amendment of the products sold or manufacturing of new products.
- If the client’s layout changes before the products have been completely manufactured, it may require adjustments in pricing and may also impact scheduled shipment dates.
- Should the pricing be adjusted, Agricon will deliver a new quotation to the client. This quotation will include the costs of the new products, as well as costs already incurred in the manufacturing of the products in the original quotation.
- The client may then accept or reject the quotation. Should the new quotation be rejected, Agricon will not refund the amounts already paid to the client as this would be payment for costs incurred up to date. Should the amount paid up to date not be sufficient to cover the costs incurred, Agricon may invoice the client for the balance, which invoice must be paid within 15 (FIFTEEN) days after delivery of the invoice.
Electrical systems
- Electronic control panels and PLC systems on the products sold are pre-calibrated by qualified Agricon personnel.
- When the client has electrical problems on the product the client is encouraged to contact Agricon directly who will advise their own qualified technician to assist.
If any electrical equipment supplied by Agricon has been tampered with or altered directly or indirectly, any and all guarantees will expire. Please refer to the “guarantee” section for more information in this instance. - The client’s electrician may connect all inter-machine connections that were disconnected for shipping and installation purposes, but may not alter or modify the standard connections in any way or manner.
- Agricon does not supply electricians to connect any machines to local electricity supply and this must be done by the client’s electrician.
- Agricon offers a six month non-transferrable guarantee on the workmanship of all new Agricon Pellet Machines as per the guarantee document. You have to bring your machine in to our workshop for repairs.
- Please refer to the guarantee document for any information in this regard as well as the terms and conditions thereof.
- If the client is uncertain about the guarantee, please request same from an Agricon representative.
Alternative service offerings
- Please take note that Agricon offers the following alternative services AT EXTRA COSTS:
- Delivery of products at a time, place and date as requested by the Client.
- Installation of the Products.
- Assisting in the commissioning / start-up of the Products.
- Training.
- Experimental pelleting.
- Should you, the Client, wish for us to render such services, please request an alternative quotation and the terms and conditions of such services from an Agricon assistant.